Having a welcome email sequence for your subscribers

When you’re collecting email addresses, it’s important to start a conversation with your audience from day 1. Once they press enter, there should be an email from you automatically introducing them into your world and the value you will be providing them with. Once they know what to expect from you, it makes emailing your audience less intimidating because you were clear on your intentions from the start.

If you’re wondering what you should include in your welcome email sequence, I got you covered. Ideally there should be 3-4 emails, I personally have 3. The first email can be an introduction to your business, what you do, and some kind of freebie they can use so they know they type of content you provide. Second email, provide facts, testimonials, or anything that proves that what you’re doing is impactful to those around you. I like to add statistics to my second email since people like to look at data (numbers don’t lie). I also like to add a CTA button to my links page or a landing page that allows them to see your offers. Third email, tell them your story. How did you end up doing this?, why are you doing this?, and next steps to work with you. And if you decide to add a fourth email, I would share any other channels where they can find you or lead them to your communities page if you have one.

There is no need to over complicate things, this is simple and straightforward. Your subscribers will have a good idea what you’re all about and now you can start building trust and creating a healthy relationship with open communication. If you’re still feeling stuck and would like to see my welcome email sequence in action you can enter your email address below. You got this and remember with action there’s clarity.